Regular price £7.00

CANNA FLUSH is a product to cleansubstratesand plants from any excess nutrients. This is necessary, because excess nutrients can have a bad influence your next growth cycle. They could lead to over-fertilisation or malnutrition, for example.

Why should you use CANNA FLUSH?

  • When used just before harvest it makes sure the plant gets rid of all excess, which will lead to a clean and tasteful harvest.
  • CANNA FLUSH effectively cleans the substrate without killing any useful bacteria or bene?cial fungi, as can be the case when you use reverse osmosis or de-mineralised water.
  • It can be used on all substrates.
  • CANNA FLUSH is recyclable.

Directions of Use

Flushing excess nutrients from drainable substrates

Soil or Soil-less mixes:

  • Dilute 20 ml concentrate per 10 litre of water (1:500) until you have drain
  • Water plants once with plain tap water according to normal watering frequency until you have drain
  • Then resume normal feeding schedule

Hydroponics (open systems):

  • Administer the diluted FLUSH (40ml per 10 litre water, which is 1:250) the last feed of the day until there is 10-20% drain
  • Water plants once with plain tap water until you have drain
  • Start administering according to normal feeding schedule (with 10-20% drain) the following day
  • Start one to two weeks before harvest and apply at above rates and in the above fashion once a week.
  • Continue through harvest on a normal feeding schedule.

Before harvest (annual crops only)

Re-using inert substrates

CANNA FLUSH is ideal for cleaning inert substrates (like clay pebbles). Add diluted CANNA FLUSH (40ml/10 litre tap water). Soak for 24 hours then rinse with same amount of tap water. Repeat if necessary.