Regular price £945.00

With this innovative LED fixture, Dimlux sets a benchmark for horticultural lighting. With patented technology, advances in LED technology, and optimal thermal design, the Dimlux Xtreme Series LED will be the preferred option offering significant return on investment to cultivators. Our adjustable PhytoVegSpec Indoor grow spectrum combines full control over light quality (spectral flexibility) and quantity (intensity and DLI) ensuring a uniform spread and even light distribution with extreme penetration into the canopy.

The Dimlux Xtreme Series LED produces ultra-high levels of PPFD, evenly spread over a 1.51.5 m grow area, with a full grow spectrum, producing consistently high quality & high yield indoor crops.

The Dimlux Xtreme Series LED can be dimmed without losing efficiency. The spectrum and output power can be programmed depending on the time of day and the growing stage of the crop.