Ecotechnics Evolution Digital CO2 Controller Analyser Regulator

Regular price £644.00

The Evolution Co2 Controller comes in two parts, available here together with a Regulator. Evolution Digital Carbon Dioxide Controller This Controller is the most advanced of it's kind and has more features and functionality than any other product on the market. It can be used either with or with ought the Evolution Carbon Dioxide Sensor and can be interfaced to an external thermo / hygro stat ( Evolution Temperature Controller recommended) providing a cheap entry level system with an easy & affordable upgrade path in the future. The Evolution NDIR CO2 Sensor The Evolution CO2 Sensor utilizes non dispersive Infra-Red sensing technology for fast accurate CO2 monitoring. Combined with exquisite design and ground breaking low price the sensor is highly accurate and less than half the price of similar products on the market and making available the ultimate control system to the average grower.