pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Coco Part A+B - Advanced Nutrients

Regular price £31.00

Perfect If You re New To Coco Coir ...

Now, we ve always claimed that you don't have to be an expert grower in order to get bigger, juicier, more aromatic, and more potent buds from your plants. And we stand by that claim with this new formula. All you have to do is use the same secret grand master growers have used to win every major growing competition in the world with your plants.

What's more, with our pH Perfect technology working for you, you'll never have to worry about pH issues again because these scientists have completely eliminated the need for pH-PPM metering or even adjusting pH levels.

In effect, we made it possible for even the most inexperienced coco coir rookie to start experiencing "pro level" yields and buds!

The secret is actually the result of a major breakthrough in hydroponics technology...

Why You Need A Coco Specific Nutrient Formula ...

This new coco coir formula still has a lot in common with the original however it has been optimized specifically for Coco Coir growers. Here s how:

The coco coir medium naturally attracts and binds to calcium and magnesium. This means your average nutrients will have a greater percentage of their Ca and Mg bound to the growing medium and not transported to your plants (where you want them) potentially starving your precious crops.

What s more these specially formulated Coco Coir nutrients account for the high levels of potassium already present in Coco Coir so you avoid any possibility of potassium toxicity.

That said, the formula still contains the powerful ingredients that make it a proven grower s favorite. Ingredient one still ensures the nutrients in these formulation get into your plants as quickly as possible. It's an organic surfactant called Wet Betty and it does something every plant grower wants...

Surfactants are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid (in this case, nutrient-rich water) allowing easier spreading and uptake of nutrients into your plants. Which of course means your plants will get the organic nutrients they crave faster and more efficiently than ever before-which greatly increases your plant's health and yields.